What’s New in SwiftUI, WWDC 22
WWDC 22 is passed so quick, isn’t it? SwiftUI is one of the most awaited subjects from developers in WWDC 22. Some of the developers are satisfied with the new features for SwiftUI, but some are not.
Here are the features that will be in SwiftUI 4, iOS 16.
Swift Charts
There are different chart styles we can use in the library.
BarMark, LineMark, AreaMark, PointMark, RectangleMark, RuleMark.
Half Sheet
It is one of the features developers mostly demand. Finally, Apple is making it public for us!
All we need to do is call the presentationDetents function of the view we will show as the half sheet.
The function takes detents as the parameter to set the height of the sheet. We can also set a constant height by typing .height(200).
We are waiting you to the Appcircle’s blog to explore the other cool features/changes in SwiftUI.
Here is the rest of the article
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